As the 2021 Spring playing season approaches, LGLL is working hard to determine the best and safest way to return to play after having to cancel the 2020 season. We will be looking for advice from Little League International and CDC to come up with plans and safety measures to keep players, spectators, and volunteers safe. Information about COVID-19 is regularly evolving as are rules and guidelines set forth by the State of Oregon and the CDC. We hope to continue to be able to update our members on the best way to allow our children to play for the 2021 Spring Season.
Based on the current guidelines we will have to abide by all the following mandated parameters listed below, no exceptions.
If not followed players, teams or bystanders LGLL could lose the right to use the baseball & softball fields. Please remember that this is about the kids getting to play, so regardless of your opinions or feelings on the current Covid-19 regulations follow the rules provided so that the children can have a season.
The goal of this plan is to create a safe environment for players, coaches, families, volunteers and umpires while they are participating in or experiencing a baseball or softball event hosted by Little League. The following recommendations are made using resources from Little League International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). These plans will be reviewed regularly to ensure that at all times, La Grande Little League will follow Oregon State and local guidelines and regulations regarding group gatherings and youth sports activities.
General Guidelines:
Families will be asked to take the temperature of all players before leaving home for practices or games. Any participant with a temperature above 100F should stay home.
Any participant, fan or volunteer with symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to stay home with symptoms including but not limited to: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell/taste.
Individuals at risk of severe illness or with underlying medical and respiratory diseases should not attend LGLL activities.
Any participant or fan who has been at a LGLL event and then becomes sick within two weeks should immediately notify the league.
Social Distancing (6 foot distance between people) will be expected whenever possible, as well as appropriate face coverings which will be required.
Hands should be washed frequently for at least 20 seconds or hand sanitizer used as frequently as practical and always after touching common surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, gate handles or latches.
Hand sanitizer will be available at all fields during all events in sufficient amounts to supply all players, coaches, volunteers and families.
No spitting, eating sunflower seeds or chewing gum will be allowed.
On-Field Guidelines:
Players are encouraged to present on-time, but no more than 30 minutes before scheduled game/practice time
Teams will not enter field until:
Previous teams have completely vacated
Commonly touched surfaces cleaned by previous event coaches
No pre-game meeting at home plate with coaches and umpires.
New balls will be used every two innings.
Foul balls will be retrieved by players only not spectators or coaches. If touched by non-player, a coach will disinfect the ball before returning to play
Measures must be taken to prevent all but the essential contact necessary to play the game. This includes refraining from handshakes, high fives, fist/elbow bumps or group celebrations.
No handshake line at the end of games.
High touch surfaces will be cleaned by coaches after each event:
This includes dugouts, fences, gate latches, benches and bleachers
Field must be vacated no later than 20 minutes after the end of each game
Equipment is not to be shared between players.
If any player does not have individual equipment, team equipment will be used and then disinfected after each use
Player bags will be placed outside the dugout, separated from each other by 6 feet.
Players will bring their own beverages, these drinks will not be shared.
New balls used/introduced every 2 innings.
When not on the field, players will be assigned spots outside the dugout each separated by 6 feet.
These areas will be marked out and enforced by the coach in the dugout
Plans are to not use the dugouts at all.
In the event that a dug out needs to be used then it will be sanitized after the game is completed by the coach within the 20 minute time limit.
Will be encouraged by coaches at all times to maintain social distance amongst each other.
Face covering will be worn at all times when on the sidelines, dugouts, and when players are not 6 feet away.
Players will still carry masks with them at all times.
Will be allowed to touch only their own equipment.
If using shared equipment, the player will need to be sure it has been recently disinfected by the dugout coach.
Bring, identify and touch only their own beverage.
Do not bring any food, gum or sunflower seeds to events.
Minimize numbers of coaches and assistants for games practices.
Maintain communication of expectations, plans and progress with parents.
Screen players with above-listed questions before starting each event.
Keep Log of all players & answers.
Persistently monitor and remind players of social distancing precautions/procedures.
Disinfect multi-use items, every time.
Clean/disinfect high touch surfaces before and after games/practices, every time.
Minimize exchange of scorecards and pitch counters.
Will have face covering available for when social distancing is not possible.
Plate umpire will call balls and strikes from grass behind pitchers mound.
Field umpires will keep at least 6 feet distance from each other and players.
Will not touch baseballs.
Will not retrieve pass balls or foul balls.
Equipment inspection will be visual only.
Family Members/Fans Guidelines:
Take players’ temperatures before game, if it is above 100F please keep them home.
Monitor for and report any signs of illness in participants.
Fans at games should be limited to household members or immediate family of players.
Maintain social distance from all other attendees at all times, as well as wearing your masks.
Must watch games from car or own chairs along fences or down foul lines.
Bleachers will be closed, please don’t try to remove tape or sit on them.
Ensure arrival no more than 20 minutes before scheduled start time, exit within 15 minutes of conclusion.
Players’ equipment and bags should be cleaned, restocked with hand sanitizer, and face masks after each use.
Restroom Guidelines:
Public restrooms will be locked during all LGLL activities.
Key will be available from La Grande Parks & Rec or City of LG.
If opened for any reason bathroom will be cleaned and disinfected after each event
If you request a bathroom to be opened, you are then responsible for cleaning the area.